One important thing I have learned in my last few months of photographing is the importance of retouching and how much of a difference it can truly make. Not only does it clean up an image, but it enhances, transforms, and accentuates an image's potentional. As much as I hate to say it, a "great photograph" can be taken by chance, mere luck, if the time, place, subject, and lighting happen to be right. However, great retouching takes time, effort, and a keen eye for artwork. I wanted to show a few examples of what retouching can do to an image, how it can change your perception and emotions related to that image. Take a look:
It is crazy how much editing can to do to image. I am so thankful to have learned photoshop early, had time to explore, and am excited to continue to discover new things. Comment with an questions on what I did to create these beautiful images!
Until another creative thought,
Turquiose Feathers
You are so talented. Teach me